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More properties being listed for sale


More properties being listed for sale

More property listings are coming onto the market, which should give buyers more choice in 2022.

In November, another 96,346 properties were listed for sale, according to SQM Research. This was 2.3% higher than the month before and 20.4% higher than the year before.

As the charts show, while there has been a significant increase in new listings, there has also been a big decrease in old listings. That suggests many of these homes have finally found buyers.

Property Listings Yearly Change

If buyers have more properties to choose from in 2022, it’s likely homes will take longer to sell.

Properties listed on during November took an average of 30 days to sell, which is incredibly low by historical standards. The year before, the figure was 44 days.

In November, the amount of new listings added to reached their “highest level in a decade" for capital cities and “highest level in five years" for regional locations.