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CBRE hails Australia's strong real estate market


CBRE hails Australias strong real estate market

One of the world’s largest real estate firms has given five very good reasons why “Australian real estate represents a compelling investment”.

  1. CBRE said Australian real estate has provided an average return of 9.5% per annum over the past decade – significantly higher than the average home loan interest rate during that period.
  2. Rental vacancy rates are below 1% in some cities. When supply is low, demand is high, which is translating into “robust rent growth”.
  3. Australia's population is forecast to grow 14% between in 2021-2030, which would be the “highest amongst leading economies”. More people would mean more demand for real estate.
  4. Australia has a “strong” and “resilient” economy, which makes it a good place to invest.
  5. Local real estate is relatively easy to sell if you decide you want to cash out. CBRE said Australia ranks sixth in the world on the dollar value of property transactions.

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